Department of Education, Skills and Employment - Job seeker data May 2020

Region: Australia

Description: This dataset contains characteristic information of job seekers who were on the jobactive caseload (including Online Employment Services and the New Employment Services Trial) on 31 May 2020. It also contains information on job seekers who responded to particular questions in the Digital Literacy Assessment on or before 31 May 2020. The tables include a range of characteristics including gender, age ranges, and questionnaire responses by geographical region.


Team Projects Utilising Department of Education, Skills and Employment - Job seeker data May 2020

Disruptive Paradigm - Smart Super

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Live Job - Live Job

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SwitchCase - Project Resilience

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Keyboard warriors - Industry analyser

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Team WUCHU - JobReady: Improving Employment Outcomes for Everyone

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Data By Design - Data Seeker

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Hack to the Future - Minterim

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GoVic - #Skills In Demand!!

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