Entries to Best Use of Tasmanian Heritage Data (GoHack 2020)

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Tourism is one of the major sources of income for the smallest state of Australia. COVID-19 has hit the local community and small businesses the hardest. B-Here enables people to explore different places in their area. This app is designed to support local businesses and the local community in Ta...

Go to Project | The Winning Team


A project that helps promote Tasmania's heritage by providing a website where: - Tourist can look for information and read all historical stories about heritage places in Hobart, create personalized tours to maximize experience. - Local residents can contribute by sharing the stories they know ...

Go to Project | TasLife

Heritage Hunt

It is an irrefutable fact that Launceston is Australia's third oldest city and one of the country's best-preserved historical heritage. Heritage Hunt is a mobile app developed by Team Wonder to help the local, national as well as international tourist travellers to know about the Launceston hi...

Go to Project | Team Wonder

Travel at Home

With the trend of COVID-19, the tourism industry in Tasmania has been severely affected, and with the travel ban went effect in March, there are few visitors who are allowed to enter Tasmania. Compared with previous years, it is easy to notice that the volume of visitors and the money they spend ...

Go to Project | iWing

Vault TAS

Vault Tas is an app produced by Inter-Tas. This app can provide opportunities to tourism and local business. Tasmania is a state that rich in history, there are historical sites nearly everywhere around Tasmania. People can miss a lot of stuff while on their trip to Tasmania. This is where our ap...

Go to Project | INTER-TAS

Memo Tas

**Memo Tas** History edited by all Tasmanians. There are lots of historical materials in Tasmanian Heritage Dataset. It is a rich resource for historians to study but it is hard for ordinary people who want to generally know about the heritage, such as visitors and new residents, to identify ...

Go to Project | iWing

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