Hobart electricity use and generation by postcode source data provided by TasNetworks

Region: Tasmania

Description: Hobart electricity use and generation by postcode_source data provided by TasNetworks On behalf of the 12 southern councils the Southern Tasmanian Councils Authority (STCA) requested community electricity consumption and generation data by postcode and by business and residential sectors, from TasNetworks, so the STCA was able to provide summary energy trends to all 12 municipalities and assist councils and their communities to understand emission reduction pathways and technology changes. The final output of the project is a summary report outlining the greenhouse and energy footprint for each municipality and the region, available on the STCA website: https://stca.tas.gov.au/cc/. The summary report includes data from other Australian government sources such as the Clean Energy Regulator and Department of Environment; Australian Energy Statistics and the National Greenhouse Accounts Factors, as well as Australian Bureau of Statistics.


Team Projects Utilising Hobart electricity use and generation by postcode source data provided by TasNetworks

Noosa Power - The Power Spot

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SAAmigos - Lights of Hobart

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