Bureau of Meteorology - Climate Data Online

Region: Queensland

Description: The Bureau of Meteorology produces a range of different forecasts and outlooks. "Forecasts" are generally available up to 7 days ahead with more detail available on the shorter forecast periods. Climate Outlooks give the likelihood of a shift in our weather patterns away from normal for periods from weeks through seasons ahead. Climatologies can be used to get an idea of "normal" conditions for a particular time of year if it is too far out for outlooks/forecasts.


Team Projects Utilising Bureau of Meteorology - Climate Data Online

Team 515 - Thriving Tasmania

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EDCRU - Energy and Data Crisis Response Unit - Energy Distribution for Resillience and Prosperity

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ElectronicallyE - TwoFold - Predictive and Detective Disease Management System

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Flood Panic - Extensive Hobart Flood Model

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42Adelaide: Lachlan - Energy4me

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Team DeCarbo - DeCarbo

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