Proactively reducing rubbish and pollution in our waterways

Jurisdiction: Victoria

When rubbish and pollutants enter our waterways, it harms our aquatic life and spoils the amenity of our community spaces. How can we use open data to proactively reduce rubbish and common pollutants from entering our waterways so that we protect our natural environment and keep our rivers and creeks clean today, so that we can enjoy them tomorrow?

The management of rubbish/litter is a universal problem for government and our community, it is also an important aspect of maintaining the health of our waterways. Each year, Melbourne Water removes almost 1500 cubic metres of litter, debris and sediment from our waterways.

When undertaking this challenge, it can be useful to consider the originating source of litter, hot-spot areas where litter has accumulated, different collection methods and ultimate disposal via landfill or recycling. We have shared some of the existing initiatives underway to help combat litter in our waterways.

You may wish to consider how open data can complement existing initiatives or potentially generate entirely new opportunities to reduce litter from entering our waterways.

Additional Information:

You can read about some of the existing initiatives here:

The Litter Action Program and Litter Trackers:

The Litterati app: and

Diamond Creek Litter Source Reduction Workshop:

Community Litter Clean-up Activities: and

School Programs and Litter Action Groups: and

Gross Pollutant Traps:

Incentives Programs:

Eligibility: Must use at least one Melbourne Water dataset.

Entry: Challenge entry is only available to teams in Victoria.

Dataset Highlight

National Litter Index

Go to Dataset

Australian Marine Debris Database

Go to Dataset

Melbourne drain and waterway outlets

Go to Dataset

Melbourne Water YourSay – Community Reporting

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Waterways Centreline

Go to Dataset

Challenge Entries

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