Cycle Facility Network

The Auckland Cycle Network (ACN) provides a plan for the development of and investment in a comprehensive cycle network for the region.

The ACN has been divided into three categories reflecting their function. This three-layered approach will provide a quality, robust and connected network that will make cycling a more attractive and feasible everyday transport option for all. They are:

Cycle Metros – Provide regional links connecting metropolitan centres, public transport interchanges and other key regional destinations. They provide the highest level of service. Many of these routes are along motorway corridors or rail corridors.

Cycle Connectors – Provide links to the cycle metros and key local destinations (e.g. public transport interchanges, town centres, residential areas, schools). They are often along arterial roads and some are along collector roads.

Cycle Feeders – Provide neighbourhood access and links to the cycle connectors and cycle metros, key community facilities, schools, parks and reserves, and local services. The feeder network often aligns with the local board’s greenways.

The agreed network will be built by Auckland Transport (AT), Auckland Council (AC), NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) and others.

The ACN is regularly maintained by the Auckland Transport Walking and Cycling team. Brian Horspool (Walking and Cycling) is the business owner for this dataset.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Maintainer svcFME_ATGIS
Source Created 2017-11-07T19:13:00.000Z
Source Modified 2018-10-16T03:35:02.000Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[174.4999, -37.2096], [175.0587, -37.2096], [175.0587, -36.3204], [174.4999, -36.3204], [174.4999, -37.2096]]]}
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 30 January 2020, last updated 30 January 2020