Cycle count data

The data will give us year-round 24/7 counts, showing seasonal variations, and what’s happening at different times of the day.

Based on other places around the world, we would expect to see numbers start to rise once we have made significant improvements to a route that connects suburbs with the central city.

This will take time, as it is going to take many years to develop a citywide connected cycle network that people of all ages and abilities will feel safe using.

The monthly total represents the number of times we have counted people on bikes. Depending on where you are going you may be counted by more than one counter. However we currently only have a small number of counters so there are many more trips that are not counted.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Wellington City Council
Maintainer Wellington City Council Cycling team
Maintainer Email Wellington City Council Cycling team
Update frequency Monthly
Source Created 2018-03-01
Source Modified 2018-12-04
Language English
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 17 December 2018, last updated 17 December 2018