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GovHack 2020 Profiles

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Name Category Region Team Status Skills
Flights from Dallas to Los Angeles Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team #travel #chep flight
andonadult Tasmania Team Full
priyanka New South Wales
Flights Detail Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand
timecardcalculator Outside Australia and New Zealand
Rachel Tyler Queensland Team Full
Tripsearchs Outside Australia and New Zealand
Velo Hand Dryers Support New South Wales Team Full
cosmoearlylearning Queensland
jessica New South Wales Looking for a Team
Ortega Victor South Australia Team Full
Info Outside Australia and New Zealand
Bradley Earnest Victoria Looking for a Team
Wesley McKee Victoria
ssewhizz Tasmania
TripSearchs Outside Australia and New Zealand
todanstee41 Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team
baltic travel Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team
opanyone New South Wales
Andrews Trinh Participant Victoria In a Team ##analytics ##python
Frankie Participant Victoria Looking for a Team #business analysis # communication #problem solving #presentations
DK Participant New Zealand In a Team #backend #frontend #po
Jonathan Support Western Australia #cat wrangling #marketing #project management #digital literacy #copywriting
HannaCoopr South Australia
peterpaul001 Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand
Reshma Murali Participant Victoria In a Team #java #pega
Amirah Participant Tasmania Team Full #team work #innovation #time management #customer service #system analysis #business analysis
terry New South Wales
Alec Participant New Zealand In a Team #<facilitate meeting> #<database> #python coding languages> #js #<learning html #<idea oriented>
safes australia Australian Capital Territory Team Full
appyanth New South Wales
Property Turkey Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team
Guardian Angels Outside Australia and New Zealand
Sharma Western Australia
alice South Australia
Bradley landscaping New South Wales Looking for a Team
unoonlinegame Queensland
seo Northern Territory
Faca desxi Participant Victoria Looking for Team Mates
Aanya Chinda Victoria
goalken highlight Tasmania
Betty King Western Australia
Kartapult121 Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team
Reuben Aryiku Outside Australia and New Zealand
ClearBeds Outside Australia and New Zealand
Ching-lee Sun Participant Tasmania In a Team
Xo2 Participant Queensland
sneha Northern Territory In a Team
Anthony Participant Australian Capital Territory In a Team
Andrea Participant New South Wales Looking for a Team #creative #ideas generation #research #business model canvas #video editing #rapid prototyping #design thinking
Jason A Banico Participant Victoria Team Full #react #azure
Junji Moey Participant New South Wales Looking for a Team #fullstack #sql #c++ #javascript #python
Lance Ganaban Participant Queensland In a Team
sandpiperringed Tasmania
dawson Victoria Team Full
bloriane New South Wales
AndrewG Participant Western Australia Looking for a Team #geospatial #image-processing #python #react #html #javascript
Yuan Participant Victoria Team Full
Himanshu Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand Team Full #presentation #idea guy #facilitator #digital process automation
QLD Shotcrete Services Participant Queensland
Gama Nana Participant New South Wales
seo Victoria Looking for Team Mates
Archana Javgal Participant South Australia Team Full
X/OVER Agency Participant New South Wales
Saldana Will South Australia
Keva Jolie New South Wales
John Mark Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand
Mariah New Zealand Team Full
Will Mentor Australian Capital Territory
Dorothy Participant South Australia In a Team
jamesgreat44 Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team
foresthealth Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team
billie34 South Australia
blushingbask Victoria
Murad Participant Victoria In a Team
deseica Victoria
Lamb Herman South Australia
Get Factified Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team
tasar Participant New South Wales
ligamentbefriend Queensland
mikeuae Outside Australia and New Zealand
swooptaxi Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team
ClearBeds Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand Looking for a Team
Duck Life Queensland
Jimmy Herman Participant Victoria In a Team
Denise Participant Queensland Team Full #prototyping #storyboarding #research #ux designer
Shivam Patel Participant South Australia Team Full #data analysis #information retrieval #text mining #nlp
Bruce Cleveland New South Wales
Vivan Annami New South Wales
Jerait Service Outside Australia and New Zealand
sensorimotortherapy Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand
MultiRange Participant New South Wales Team Full
skillphobic New South Wales Looking for a Team
RosieJenkins Outside Australia and New Zealand
heldspell Victoria
handletaiga New South Wales Looking for a Team
slopegame Victoria
andersondavid01 Victoria
Kin Wah LAU Participant Tasmania In a Team #teamwork #management #warehousing #logistic #it #networksecurity
Frances Queensland Looking for a Team
sarakhan South Australia
Velo Hand Dryers Participant New Zealand Team Full
blogzymedia Participant New Zealand Team Full
erickmiller South Australia Team Full
Papa's Pizzeria Queensland
Sameeha Support South Australia In a Team
mioklsa New South Wales
Antonio Western Australia
Antonio Rent Outside Australia and New Zealand Team Full
Benson Participant Queensland Team Full #java #python #sql #react #js(es6) #css #html
Jewel Participant Victoria Looking for Team Mates #data visualisation. #presenter #data processing
Leonard Participant Victoria Team Full
Hannah La Participant Queensland In a Team
Yukilo New South Wales
Lily Participant Australian Capital Territory In a Team #government #academia #clean energy #industry #number crunching #project management #storytelling #data visualisation #data analysis
Yen Chi Lai Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team #python #c# #webscraping #mssql #mysql #mongodb
David Participant New South Wales In a Team #sql #ruby on rails #c# #react #javascript
Donald Crane Victoria Looking for Team Mates
barber Western Australia Looking for a Team
Bradley West Victoria
IndiaNews Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand
Connections Game New South Wales
Avery Dennison New Zealand
sandalslime New South Wales
Nisha Outside Australia and New Zealand
Angus Industry Australian Capital Territory #public policy #economics #science
Jason Queensland In a Team #open data #research #unity #c#
Krystal Support Western Australia
Luke Support Queensland #ruby on rails
Katie Hannan Mentor South Australia #ideation #csiro data access portal #project management
Livia Lam Support New South Wales
Sue-Ellen Participant Western Australia #chief wrangler; facilitator #local catering organiser ;) #support
Zaidul Support South Australia In a Team #data management #entrepreneurship #cloud computing #data science
MIKE Support New Zealand In a Team #software development
Matt Watt Support New South Wales In a Team #csharp #linux #java #integration #api #arduino #python #c++ #c #javascript #php
Jan Bryson Support Western Australia #business support #marketing #sponsorship #project management
NZ Support New Zealand In a Team
Nitish Bajaj Support South Australia
Nathan Support Victoria #medical research #machine learning #python
Masina Support New Zealand
Dinuk Support South Australia
Harshitha Rajashekara Support South Australia #data visualization #coding #innovation #technology management
Jesse Participant New South Wales In a Team #postgres #mysql #node #aws #php #javascript
GARY Participant Australian Capital Territory Team Full #adept in skill development. #leadership #ai mastery #administration #data analysis #programming & tech
Tom Worthington Mentor Australian Capital Territory #defence it #mentoring #it strategy #educational technology
Brett Participant Western Australia Looking for Team Mates #etc studying international relations and security #business planning #video editing (basic) #writing #project management
Geoff Pidcock New South Wales #basic apps #design #science #data
Selva Support Australian Capital Territory #python #gtfs #visualisation #data #programming #transport
Peter Participant South Australia Looking for Team Mates
Aravind Participant Queensland Looking for Team Mates #image processing #machine learning #data analysis #python #java
Rose Participant Victoria In a Team #photoshop #html #bootstrap #javascript #dreamweaver
Brett Participant New Zealand Looking for Team Mates #creative thinking #design #programming
Tingting Support New South Wales Team Full #data analysis #customer experience #customer research #design thinking #storytelling #government
Matt Participant Victoria Team Full #maps #communication #linux #management #sysadmin #python
Joanna Support Tasmania #allroundawesomeness #programs #events
Kirsty Support Victoria
Peter Participant Tasmania Looking for a Team #rest api #mobile app dev #linux admin #flutter dev
Wilko Participant Queensland In a Team
samuel Participant New South Wales In a Team #great conversation skills #command line #r #sql #python
Saket Participant Victoria In a Team ##analyticalskills ##uxdesigning ##dataanalysis ##businessintelligence ##businessstrategy ##businessanalysis
prilvesh krishna Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team #node #programming #video #sensys #datasecutirty #amadeus #experian #gcp #aws #python #c++ #c# #javascript #backend #api #scikitlearn #tensorflow #mysql #php
State Lead Support South Australia Team Full #facilitation ; pm
Joshua Chew Participant New South Wales Team Full
Nick Wong Participant Queensland In a Team
Narayana Aditya Madineni Participant Queensland
Tam Participant New South Wales Looking for a Team #data visualisation #data analysis #data wrangling #storytelling #ba
DR SANJEEV BANDI Support Queensland In a Team #qld community digital champion 2019
Siddhartha Ampolu Participant Queensland
Sarah Blackman Participant South Australia Looking for Team Mates #facilitator - augmented engineering - art
Michael Sheehy Participant Western Australia Looking for a Team #rules as code #n00b @ neo4j #legislation analysis #health & safety #excel #chemical engineering #big picture thinking #risk engineering
Zac M-W Support New Zealand #aws #full-stack #ui/ux #graphic design #software development #event facilitation
Hajime Support Outside Australia and New Zealand
Shayne Participant Queensland Looking for a Team #creative #ux design #web development #design
Chris Bahlo Participant Victoria #data wrangling #mysql #javascript #php
Mr Participant Victoria Looking for Team Mates
Tim Industry Australian Capital Territory
Justin Participant New South Wales #service design
Fay Participant Australian Capital Territory In a Team #video editing
Melissa Young Industry Victoria #project management #business analyst #wastewater #sewerage #pollution #litter #rivers and streams #melbourne #waterways #water supply
Tareq Participant New South Wales Team Full #business improvement #it infrastructure improvement #coding #programming #project management #data analysis #business analysis #software development
dbel Participant South Australia Looking for Team Mates
Tim Webster Participant Australian Capital Territory In a Team #user experience design
Joey Koh Participant Western Australia In a Team #control engineering #tensor-flow #design thinking #c #python #consulting frameworks #embedded systems #machine learning #computer vision
Sitha Mentor Victoria #vic gov datasets
Phuong Participant Australian Capital Territory In a Team
Andres G Participant New South Wales In a Team #creative thinker #data analytics & visualisation #golang #python #all-rounder
Sarfraz Support New South Wales In a Team #comedian #public speaking
Mikaela Lawrence Mentor South Australia
John Nguyen Participant South Australia Looking for a Team #statistics #econometrics #python #sql #gis #powerbi #data analysis #video editing
Madhu Industry Australian Capital Territory #business-it relationships #technology transformation #process optimisation #digital enablement #digital advisory
Rams Participant New South Wales Team Full #github #swagger #microservices #spring boot #jax-rs #j2ee #java
Praveen PL Participant Victoria Team Full #telecom #lifehacks #agility #ideation
Alicja Industry Tasmania In a Team #data governance #data sharing #design thinking
Sachi Grannan Participant Queensland Looking for a Team #postgres #redux #react #nodejs #javascript #web development
Liana Participant New South Wales In a Team #ideation #presentations #project management
Vignesh Participant South Australia In a Team
C Tasmania Team Full
Khoi Participant Tasmania Team Full #sass #html5 #php #javascript #wordpress #reactjs #frontend
Stephanie Chow Participant Tasmania In a Team
Lixin Participant Tasmania Team Full
Jenny Participant South Australia Team Full ##event management ##strategic planning ##marketing ##asqa compliance ##vocational education and training
Abhina Participant Tasmania #php #c# #java
Mingxi Li Support Tasmania Team Full
MASOOM PATEL Participant South Australia In a Team #tableau analyst #data analyst #data cruncher
Guo-Wei Hung Participant Tasmania In a Team #python #java #javascript #php #css #html #sql
Leo Participant South Australia In a Team #tinkerer
Anoop Mishra Participant South Australia In a Team
Alison Do Participant South Australia Team Full
Samantha Participant South Australia Team Full #communicator #researcher #conservationist #educator
Chandan Participant Tasmania In a Team #customer service #innovative #design thinking #data analysis #time-management #programming
Ben Participant Queensland In a Team #aws #postgres #golang #typescript #react #node
Jesse Participant New Zealand In a Team #agile #sqlserver #javascript
Håkan Sjölin Participant Victoria In a Team
Shubham Participant Western Australia Team Full
Mercedes Scott Participant South Australia In a Team
Styliana Participant Victoria
Daniel Participant Australian Capital Territory
Peter Participant New Zealand In a Team #data #random jobs
Joe Participant New Zealand Team Full #programming
James Participant New Zealand Team Full #golang. probably #flutter #java #c#
Grace Participant Australian Capital Territory Team Full
Ha Participant Tasmania Team Full
Deb Participant Tasmania In a Team #e-learning #health and wellness coaching #nurse #creative thinker #data analysis
Naga Aditya Kumar G Participant New South Wales In a Team ##machine learning ##code logics ##excel ##python ##data science
Rashmi Participant Australian Capital Territory In a Team #service design #user research
Sarah Participant Australian Capital Territory In a Team
Nazmul Kaonine Participant New South Wales In a Team #sql #excel data modelling #bi dashboard visualisations #machine learning #data analytics
Cathy Yang Participant Tasmania In a Team
Alex Participant South Australia Team Full #ideas #computing
Dan Dau Participant Tasmania In a Team
Bryce Cronin Participant Australian Capital Territory Team Full #ux/ui #designer #developer
Tom Participant Tasmania In a Team #ml #python #c++ #c
Peggy Wei Participant New South Wales In a Team #bad jokes #psychology #ui #ux
Arran Participant New Zealand In a Team
Shane Dalgleish Mentor Tasmania
Leo Febey Mentor Tasmania In a Team #coding
Floyd Participant New Zealand In a Team #front end development #mobile development #web development #software development
Finn Participant New Zealand In a Team
Tom Industry New Zealand
Lachlan Etherton Participant South Australia In a Team #programmer #developer #designer
Anh Participant Tasmania In a Team
SK Participant New South Wales In a Team
Olaf Wrieden Participant Queensland Team Full #api #reactjs #serverless #azure #nodejs #mongodb #react
Hillary Participant Tasmania Looking for a Team ##businessanaylsis #videoediting
Aiden Participant Queensland Team Full #system analysis #data analysis #app development #software development
Hayden Participant South Australia In a Team #communication #basic coding #creative thinking
Shannon Roberts Participant New Zealand #design #video editing #web development #mobile development
Marc Participant Australian Capital Territory In a Team
Tim Participant Queensland Looking for a Team
Monica Participant Victoria In a Team #problem solving #data visualisation
Sid Participant Victoria In a Team
Hirona Participant Tasmania In a Team
Niño Participant Queensland In a Team
Catherine McIntyre Mentor South Australia #community information #not-for-profit sector #community services #data mentor
Eunice Participant Queensland In a Team
Dylan Participant Australian Capital Territory Team Full #geospatial #business analysis #user centred design #leadership #organising #planning #system design
Walter Lim Participant New Zealand In a Team #rectangles #crayons
Parul Mehta Participant Victoria In a Team #website designing and programming
William Seagar Participant New Zealand In a Team #ideas
Yixuan Guo Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team #tensorflow #apache pyspark
Rejeesh Participant Victoria In a Team #java #postgres #mysql #php #springboot #singlespa #googlemapapi #css3 #html5 #angular #javascript #reactjs
Smitan Pradhan Participant Victoria In a Team #data visualization #data analysis #data science #python #machine learning
Saumya Participant Victoria In a Team
Deepanshu Victoria In a Team
Krishna Participant Tasmania In a Team
John X. Participant Tasmania In a Team #ui & ux #web design and development
John Participant South Australia In a Team
Ruoxuan Li Participant South Australia In a Team
Lingzhi Participant South Australia In a Team
Hamideh Iraj Participant South Australia In a Team #data science
Puru Participant Victoria In a Team
William Participant Victoria Looking for Team Mates #nodejs #react #nextjs #golang #code #data #sql #api #web #python
Caity Participant New Zealand In a Team
RJ Participant New South Wales In a Team
KeelaByte! Participant Western Australia In a Team
Sam Participant New Zealand In a Team
Sara Participant Victoria In a Team ##reimaginggovt ##changeagent ##commonsensethinker ##strategicthinker ##operationsmanagement ##creative ##dataanaylst ##mentor ##businessstrategy ##policy
Glyn Participant New Zealand In a Team #some coding #graphics #video
Michael Participant Queensland Looking for a Team #pitching #marketing #presenting #agile #data research #economics #job seeker #video #superannuation #tax #accounting #finance #data aquistion
Taine Collins Participant New Zealand In a Team #code #design
Heng Wang Participant New South Wales In a Team
Yaseswini Participant South Australia Team Full #analysis #visualisation
Amit Participant New South Wales In a Team
Jubin Participant Victoria
Supra Participant Australian Capital Territory Looking for Team Mates #marketing professional. #data cruncher
Harpreet Participant New Zealand Looking for Team Mates #ml #python #java
Jane Participant New Zealand Looking for a Team #css #html #c++ #java #python
Roman Dronov Participant Australian Capital Territory In a Team #python
Chris Participant New Zealand Looking for a Team #mongodb. #node #react #javascript #css #html5
Matt Participant New Zealand In a Team #postgres #mongodb #nodejs(expessjs) #react #webdev
Charu Participant Victoria In a Team #aws #javascript #c# #nodejs #angular #react
Petr Participant New Zealand In a Team
Joy Participant New Zealand In a Team
Alec Participant New Zealand
Helen Fairweather Support Queensland
Minesh Participant Victoria In a Team
Avery Participant New Zealand In a Team #matlab #java #c++ #python
Deb Support Queensland In a Team #facilitator creative
Ilia Participant New Zealand In a Team #backend #frontend #prototyping #sql #mobile #web #python #java #objective-c #go #node #react #css
Khushbu Patel Participant Victoria Looking for Team Mates ##dataanalysis #datavisualization #datamodelling #webdevelopment
Reuben Participant Queensland Looking for Team Mates
Kenny Participant New Zealand In a Team #javascript #software #front-end development
Kevin Participant Victoria In a Team
Hanisa Participant New South Wales #mvvm #mvc #github #git #command line #python #swift
Jennifer Participant New Zealand In a Team #marketing #writing #research #story-telling
Praveen Participant New Zealand In a Team #google data studio #tableau #power bi #r #python
Thivy Support New Zealand Team Full
Johnny Participant New South Wales In a Team #adobe xd #figma #google firebase #google cloud #javascript #dart #flutter #reactjs
James K Participant Queensland In a Team #o0o
Mahesh Mentor Victoria In a Team #cloud computing #machine learning #programming
Derek Participant Western Australia In a Team #mongodb #express #graphql #angular #nextjs #react
Matt Participant Queensland In a Team #basic; some database design conceptualization skills; some coding skills
Grace Participant Victoria In a Team
senthill Participant Victoria In a Team
Karthick Participant Victoria In a Team
Chris Tasmania Looking for a Team #filming #ux design #social media #marketing
Shayne Participant Victoria In a Team
Renee Participant Victoria In a Team #visual design #ux #ui
Brian Participant Victoria In a Team
Dilshan Participant Victoria
Joseph Participant Victoria In a Team
Stu Support New Zealand In a Team #hacker2017 #hacker2016 #video editing #augmented reality #teams
Alexis Support Victoria Looking for Team Mates #𝗥𝗲𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗠𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 #𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗱𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 #𝗜𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗦𝗲𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗦𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺𝘀 𝗦𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝘀𝗸 - 𝗟𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗹 𝟭 & 𝟮 #𝗗𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝗣𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗲𝘁 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗿 #𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗔 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 (𝗖𝗣𝗗) #𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 (𝗣𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗻) #𝗩𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 - 𝗩𝗠 𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗲 (𝗜𝗻𝗳𝗿𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘂𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗗𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻) #𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗮 𝗔𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘆𝘀𝗶𝘀 #𝗡𝗲𝘁𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗘𝗻𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 #𝗖𝘆𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗲𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘆 #𝗗𝗶𝗴𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝗡𝗲𝘁𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗔𝗱𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 #𝗦𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺𝘀 𝗔𝗱𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻
Patrick Participant Victoria In a Team
Emily Participant New South Wales Team Full
Chris Vella Participant Queensland #design #systems and networks #cybersecurity #information technology
Akhilesh Participant Victoria In a Team ##code
BIMAL Participant Victoria In a Team
Raghuveer Participant Victoria In a Team
Michelle Millenis Participant Victoria In a Team #data analysis #critical thinking #time management #leadership #communication #javascript #power bi #tableau #r #spss #sql #data visualization #data modelling
Eahtesham Participant New South Wales Team Full ##research#network design#hands-on end-to-end solution#electronics#iot#data analysis#python#team lead#
Jasmine Lee Participant Victoria In a Team #creativity #tableau #python #data
Ali Mentor New Zealand Looking for a Team #everything in data space
Sharodh Participant Victoria In a Team #frontend development #java #python #react #angular
Erik Tran Participant Victoria In a Team #javascript #css #html #ruby on rails
Arie Participant New Zealand Looking for Team Mates #video editing #html #css #javascript #ruby on rails #ruby #audio engineer
vedaanth k gureja Participant South Australia In a Team ##python #java #c #html #css #quantitive and statistic maths #deep learning #machine learning #keras #computer vision #powerpoint #excel.
Sayan Nag Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team #ms excel #sql #python #automation anywhere #uipath
Aniruddha Biswas Participant South Australia In a Team #java #flutter #tensorflow #pytorch #python
Rajiv Participant Victoria In a Team #web api #c# #uipath
ANUJ Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team
curtis Participant New Zealand In a Team
Afroz Participant Victoria In a Team #blue prism #rpa - uipath
Dante Participant Victoria Looking for Team Mates #ideas man #all-rounder #business acumen #web development #software development
Radhika Bijamwar Participant Victoria In a Team #java #postgres #mysql #php #springboot #reactjs #javascript #angular #googlemapapi #singlespa #css3 #html5
Jack Participant Victoria In a Team
Amartya Participant Victoria In a Team #java #sql #css #html #php #scikit-learn #pandas #powerbi #react js #javascript #aws #c++ #r #python #c#
SHU YI KHONG Participant Victoria In a Team ##python #sql #powerbi #javascript #creativity #dataanalytics
Quang Participant New Zealand In a Team #c++ #java #react native #react #node.js #web development
Travis Participant New Zealand In a Team #web developer #software developer
Nitin Participant New South Wales In a Team
Erika Participant Australian Capital Territory In a Team
Pooja Participant South Australia Team Full #visualizations
Shiva New South Wales Team Full #data analytics #alteryx #tableau #sql
Arun Participant Queensland In a Team
Hai Nguyen Mentor New South Wales #data literacy #data analysis #html/css #powerbi #tableau #spark #ai #ml #statistics #r #python
Sourav Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team #adobe premiere #adobe illustrator #adobe photoshop #affinity design #affinity photo #flutter #vue #ms office #ux #ui #js #css #html
Ann Participant South Australia Team Full
David Participant Victoria In a Team #bootstrap #mysql #nodejs #full stack web development #quick prototyping #devops #data visualisation
Stacey Participant New Zealand
Ramesh Krishnamurthy Participant New South Wales In a Team
Krishna Chandrapati Participant Victoria In a Team #mentorship #leadership #project management #production support #data science #data analytics
Connor Hare Participant New Zealand Team Full #svelte #ts #rust
Jackson Participant Queensland In a Team
Michelle Participant Queensland In a Team
Ivan Participant Queensland Team Full #osrs #ux #ui #design #illustration #css #html
Aaron Mentor Queensland #project planning #devops #web development
Shrey Shah Participant Queensland In a Team #data science #machinelearning #artificialintelligence
Timothy Chew Participant Queensland In a Team #data #video #art #programming
Jerry Participant Victoria In a Team
Cam Participant Victoria In a Team
Beau Participant Victoria Team Full #communication #writing #voice over
Sridhar Participant Victoria In a Team #gcp #oracle #angular; cloud - aws #code: java
Kunal Participant Victoria Looking for a Team #energy management and data analysis #financial services #risk and compliance #legaal
Navida Participant Victoria In a Team #it governance #python #public speaking #project management #data analysis #business analysis
Annette Queensland In a Team #videographer #data nerd #creative
Manish Kukreja Mentor New Zealand #python #prototyping #data science #data visualisation #artificial intelligence #machine learning
AC Participant New South Wales In a Team
Vaishnavi Participant Victoria In a Team
Jan Participant New South Wales In a Team #business background #adobe xd #monogdb #c #python #nodejs #javascript #css #html
Afrida Participant New South Wales In a Team #bitbucket #jira #aws #circleci #git #docker #nodejs #unittest #bash scripting #linux #mysql #java #keras #c++ #python
Gen Participant Queensland Team Full #typing speed of 90wpm #slim nimble fingers
Randall Participant Queensland Team Full
Jesse Bugden Participant South Australia In a Team #management and strategy. #architecture #software design
Rooban Participant Victoria In a Team #r #python #java #data analytics #data science
Angus Participant South Australia In a Team #machine learning #signal processing #engineering #data science
Jasper M-W Participant New Zealand In a Team #sus #ts #rust #spaget #python
Matthew Elgers Participant Queensland In a Team
Viknesh Participant New Zealand In a Team #python #r #data science #data cleansing #data analysis
Luke Sy Participant New South Wales In a Team #matlab #node.js #keras #scikit-learn #python
kathryn Mentor Queensland In a Team #neuroscientist; matlab; mental health research
Nathan Brett Participant Queensland In a Team
Jack Participant Queensland In a Team
Hugh Participant Queensland In a Team ##enthusiastic #fluent_in_english #print("hello world!")
Jerem Participant Victoria In a Team
Lokesh Participant Victoria In a Team #java #postgres #mysql #php #springboot #reactjs #javascript #angular #html5 #css3 #googlemapapi #singlespa
Callistus Participant New South Wales
Krishna Participant Queensland In a Team #sql #angular #node.js #html #css #php #javascript #c# #java #python
Tiantong WANG Participant Victoria In a Team
Damien Robinson Participant Queensland Looking for a Team #javascript #vue #seo #web development
Elena Participant Victoria In a Team
Mayeda Participant Victoria Looking for a Team #child centred #children and youth #qualitative research #disaster risk reduction #community developement #enthnography #participatory research
Vijay Singh Participant Victoria In a Team #deep-learning #machine-learning
Rachel Participant New South Wales In a Team
Rueben Participant Queensland In a Team #yelling at inanimate objects
Ash Participant Tasmania Looking for a Team
Petra Participant South Australia In a Team
Trent Participant Queensland In a Team #some
Aleem Participant Victoria In a Team
Joseph Participant Queensland In a Team
Marko Participant Western Australia Looking for a Team #managing team #owned webdesign and e learning platform. team leader
Garry Participant Victoria Team Full #digital prototyping #design thinking #ux/ui design
Merika Participant South Australia In a Team
Saurabh Jain Participant Victoria In a Team #opensourcedev
Nabendu Participant Victoria Looking for Team Mates
Aditya Participant New Zealand In a Team
Harshal Shah Participant Victoria In a Team #nlp #ml #dl #datascience #datapreprocessing #dataanalysis #datavisualization
Ramesh Participant Victoria Looking for Team Mates #data integration #data visualisation #data science #apis #data architecture
Manish Participant Victoria #java script #blueprism #ui path #python #angular js #java
Vivek Saxena Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team #python #uipath #data science
Sanskar Participant Victoria In a Team
Narayanan Participant New Zealand Team Full
Swetalina Nayak Participant Victoria In a Team #mockito #junit #ajax #jquery #java script /es6 #xml #css3 #html5 #pl/sql #mysql #spring/springboot #java/j2ee - 8/7
Ayaz Participant Victoria Looking for Team Mates #google cloud platform #business strategy #story-telling #sql database #python programming #machine learning #data visualisation
Arif Participant New South Wales In a Team #dev #dotnet #sql #basic_python #basic_angular
Daz Participant South Australia Team Full #developer
ChessMaster Participant South Australia Team Full #art #maths #video #robotics
Jamin Participant New Zealand In a Team
Colin Daly Participant Australian Capital Territory Team Full #jquery #js #css #html #prototyping #design #ux #ui
Vijay26 Participant Victoria #databases #nodejs #javascript #java #aws developer/ professional #software engineer
Pieter Roffelsen Participant Australian Capital Territory In a Team
Casa Dalton Participant Australian Capital Territory Team Full
Rama Krishna Participant Queensland Team Full
Jackson Participant New Zealand Team Full
Nirmal Participant Victoria In a Team #prototypes #mobile #web
Cameron Participant Tasmania In a Team #api #mongodb #sass #react #ux #web development
lecky Participant New South Wales Looking for a Team #full stack
Xia Wang Participant Tasmania In a Team
Dirk Mentor Western Australia #data management #data visualization #data analysis
Ahmad Haji Industry South Australia Team Full #public opion forming #ux/ui #internet of things #marketing consultant #ideas expert #m2m #statistical analysis #business management #strategy
Iqbal Support New South Wales
David Participant New South Wales Looking for a Team #familiar with transport-related data sets #python #data analysis #data wrangling
Brett Participant Queensland Looking for a Team #azure #blazor #c# #videography #creative thinking #design #business #video production
Arnab Participant New South Wales In a Team
Abrar Participant South Australia Looking for a Team #excel. #powerpoint #aws #blender #unity #javascript #quantitive and statistic maths #css #html #swift ui #c# #java #python
Akhil Karun Participant New South Wales Looking for a Team #java
Rina Participant Victoria In a Team #microservices #docker #hibernate #spring framework #java
Lucy Serret Participant Victoria Team Full #prototyping #video editing #video making #copywriting #project management #collaboration #design #research
Que Nguyet VO ( Laurel) Participant Tasmania
Andrew Participant South Australia
Aaron Participant Australian Capital Territory In a Team #software development #electrical engineering
Marcela Participant Victoria
Chongzheng Zhao Participant Victoria In a Team #full stack develope
Vivek Participant Western Australia In a Team #c# react# powerapps# powerbi# mvc# javascript#
Keerthi Participant Victoria In a Team #career and business mentor #data analytics #it consulting
Alice Participant Tasmania
yuyang wang Participant Victoria In a Team #spring cloud #docker #git #html #js #ssm #java
Walter V Participant Victoria In a Team #former local councillor #volunteer #business analyst #systems analysis & design #social entrepreneur
Zak Participant Queensland Looking for Team Mates
Kylie Participant Queensland Looking for a Team #intermediate coding and data skills
Alfred Participant New South Wales In a Team
Arun Participant Queensland Team Full
Tanya Participant Victoria In a Team #innovation #iot #account management #data structuring #ml #ai
Vidya Participant Western Australia In a Team #data mining #r #python #c++ #programming c
Rosie Support New South Wales #creative #uidesign #uxdesign #frontenddevelopment
Anikesh Participant Victoria In a Team #videography #data analysis #strategy #ux #cx #ideas #requirements #business strategy #design thinking
Aqeel Participant Australian Capital Territory In a Team
JP Participant New Zealand In a Team
Zhiben Chen Participant South Australia
Zile Zhou Participant South Australia In a Team
Harshad Participant Victoria In a Team #rpa #chatbots
Shahab Participant Australian Capital Territory In a Team #animation #nodejs #javascript
Karan Sethi Support South Australia #cybersecurity #system administration #cloud computing
Cynthia Anderson Support Australian Capital Territory
Lavanya Participant Victoria In a Team
Claudia Participant Victoria In a Team #project flow multi-tasker #creative skills: artist / designer
Mike Edmonds New Zealand In a Team #a little bit of java #data wrangling #perl #r #python
Eryk Korfel Support New South Wales
Judy Participant New South Wales In a Team #python #learner #command line #writing #making graphics #excel #beginner coding #problem solving
Amy Support Victoria In a Team #facilitation #coaching #design thinking
Jay Han Participant Victoria In a Team
Rod Unmack Participant Victoria #foxpro #sql #html #csharp #javascript #php
Bharath Kumar Participant Victoria In a Team #dataanalytics #datavisualization #entrepreneurship #innovation #problemsolving #criticalthinking
NIKHIL Participant Victoria Looking for a Team #svelte #reactjs #salesforce #nodejs #scss #css3 #html5 #javascript
Farzad Participant Victoria Team Full
Abhi Participant Victoria
Yannick Participant New South Wales In a Team
Minh Participant New Zealand In a Team #chopstick
Shankar Kumar Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand Looking for a Team #creativity #pandas #pytorch #scikit-learn #keras #tensorflow #machine learning #python
Mitch Participant Queensland In a Team #coding #project management #problem solving
GovHack NT Support Northern Territory Team Full
Theodore Participant Queensland In a Team #agile methodology #web design #web development #game design and development #graphic design #user experience design
Zak Participant New South Wales In a Team
Fernando III Participant Queensland In a Team
Harry Participant Queensland
dandi Participant Queensland Team Full
Rushda Participant Victoria In a Team #design #idea generation #content creation #information systems
Amy Participant Victoria In a Team
Byron Participant Queensland Looking for a Team
Chuchu Participant South Australia Team Full
Ryadh Participant New South Wales In a Team ##r #python #sql
Divya Participant Victoria In a Team
Sue Cook Mentor Western Australia #finding csiro data
Sravanthi Participant Victoria In a Team
Anthony Australian Capital Territory Looking for Team Mates #r and rmarkdown for ecology.
Yousef Almutairi Participant Queensland In a Team
Christina Street Western Australia
Anthony Participant New Zealand In a Team #fullstack #rails #ruby #react #vuejs #fastify #js
Eddy Participant Australian Capital Territory In a Team
Darwin Participant South Australia In a Team
Ragini Participant Victoria In a Team
James Mentor Queensland Looking for a Team #nurturing #encouraging
Sayem Participant New South Wales #marketing #strategy #business development #research #data analysis
Maaz Participant Victoria In a Team
Zoltan Mentor Victoria #data #iot #gis
Meng Support Northern Territory Team Full #dev deploy #python #php #design #react native #next #react #prototyping
Mark Participant New South Wales Team Full #js #html #aws #python #ruby
Trish Participant New Zealand In a Team #video editing
Thiru Participant Victoria Team Full
Ben Participant Queensland In a Team
raghav Participant New South Wales #computer vision #nlp #machine learning #python analysis
Bhavani Participant Victoria In a Team #postgres #sp mysql #reactjs #javascript #html5 #css3 #googlemapapi #microservices singlespa #spring boot #spring #java
Alex Participant Victoria In a Team
Radhika Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team ##data science #python #uipath
Jinesh Participant Western Australia In a Team
Nizamuddin Participant Victoria Looking for a Team #computer vision #nlp #deep learning #machine learning #predictive modelling #etl #data wrangling #data visualisation #data analysis
Sandipan Participant Victoria In a Team
Prashanth Participant New Zealand In a Team
David Participant Western Australia
Fafa Participant Victoria In a Team #data analysation #animation #database design #programming
Dhrisya Participant Victoria In a Team
JOHN Participant New Zealand #sql #r #python/pandas
Simia Sayeed Participant New South Wales In a Team
Rhiannon Participant New Zealand In a Team
Daniel Participant Queensland Looking for a Team #typescript #javascript #netlify #vuejs #hugo #css #html #api #public speaking #presenting #jamstack #nodejs
Niko Participant Tasmania Team Full
Prue Participant New Zealand In a Team
Ethan Kuo Participant Victoria In a Team
Ashok Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand Team Full
Shubham Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team
K.P Participant Victoria In a Team
Dev Kuvavala Participant Victoria In a Team
Adarsh Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team
Dave Participant Victoria
Mangala Prasetia Wen Support Victoria
Mostafa New South Wales In a Team #python #ruby #c++ #c# #r #web development #software engineering #data science
Jaffar Support New South Wales
Wai Ho Liu Participant Victoria Team Full
Alex Participant South Australia Looking for a Team #data mangling/wrangling
Luke Carter Industry Queensland In a Team #c++ #java #programming #software design
Millie Participant Australian Capital Territory In a Team
Poonam Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team ##digital consultanting ##design ##bpm ##process modelling
Varun Patel Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team #business analytics #process consulting #process mining
Vaibhav Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team
Ankush Jain Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team #digital #processconsulting
Tushar Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team
Urvija Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team
Bhavik Chugh Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team
Sai Valipireddy Participant New South Wales In a Team
Neeraj Participant Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team #process optimization #customer experience #dpa #process modeling #bpm
Mike Participant South Australia In a Team #lots
Taine Participant New Zealand In a Team
Michelle Participant New Zealand In a Team #reactjs #css #html #r
Manny Participant New South Wales In a Team
Jibin Participant New South Wales In a Team
Sharmila Kumar Participant Victoria In a Team
Mohammad Participant Australian Capital Territory In a Team
Ronald Participant New South Wales In a Team
Minh Hien Ta Participant Tasmania
Quan Tang Participant South Australia In a Team
Minh Phuong Participant Tasmania Team Full
Sonja Participant Australian Capital Territory In a Team
Ivy Participant New South Wales In a Team
Deddy Participant New South Wales In a Team
Omayma Participant Australian Capital Territory In a Team
Ashleigh Latter Participant Victoria Team Full
Faisal Mentor South Australia In a Team #ux design #programming #data scrience
Chris Support Western Australia Looking for a Team
Carly Watts Support Western Australia #creative
Thien Trang Participant Victoria In a Team #data visualization #data analytics
mira Victoria
Mann New Zealand
waynekunde Victoria
muse Outside Australia and New Zealand
williamson Participant New South Wales Team Full
Ruby Northern Territory In a Team
payal Tasmania
pavingcotswold Outside Australia and New Zealand In a Team
Pinnacle Works Outside Australia and New Zealand Team Full
jamestoddandco Outside Australia and New Zealand
solight Outside Australia and New Zealand
Wrap UK Outside Australia and New Zealand
Sten Lena New South Wales
tsmcdon New South Wales
2048 cupcakes New South Wales Looking for a Team
North Queensland ShotCrete Services Queensland Team Full
seoworld21 South Australia
sofia Participant Western Australia
loinse bekean New South Wales
Loinse Deken New South Wales
Home Health Up Queensland
Health Inkwell New South Wales
Swarna Participant Victoria Looking for Team Mates
WORLD Tasmania Team Full
time calculator Participant Victoria In a Team
seoworld2 South Australia
serviceworks New Zealand Looking for a Team
strikemoney New Zealand Looking for a Team
spencer3 New South Wales Team Full
Fresh boat Outside Australia and New Zealand
janelancy Northern Territory
Kang Henry Northern Territory